Upcoming Events Date & Time
Mon  01/20/2025  (All Day)
Fri  02/14/2025  (All Day)
Mon  02/17/2025  (All Day)
Tue  02/18/2025  (All Day)
Fri  02/21/2025  TBD
Sat  03/01/2025  (All Day)
Fri  03/07/2025  (All Day)
Fri  03/07/2025  1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Fri  03/07/2025  2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Fri  03/14/2025  (All Day)
Spring Break-No School (Offices Closed) Mon  03/17/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  03/21/2025  (All Day)
Good Friday/Easter Break-No School (Offices Closed) Fri  04/18/2025  (All Day)  to
Mon  04/21/2025  (All Day)
Senior Graduation Sun  05/18/2025  (All Day)
Middle/High School Finals-Early Release Mon  05/19/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  05/22/2025  (All Day)
5th Grade Graduation Tue  05/20/2025  (All Day)
Early Childhood and Kindergarten Graduation Tue  05/20/2025  (All Day)
Elementary-Early Release: Last Day of School Wed  05/21/2025  (All Day)
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony Thu  05/22/2025  (All Day)
Grades 6th-11th-Last Day of School Thu  05/22/2025  (All Day)
Memorial Day-Campus Offices Closed Mon  05/26/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Tue  05/27/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  05/29/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  05/30/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Mon  06/02/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  06/05/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  06/06/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Mon  06/09/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  06/12/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  06/13/2025  (All Day)
Campuses Closed for Summer Mon  06/16/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  07/04/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Mon  07/07/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  07/10/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  07/11/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Mon  07/14/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  07/17/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  07/18/2025  (All Day)
Campus Office Hours 9am-1pm Mon  07/21/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  07/24/2025  (All Day)
Campus Offices Closed Fri  07/25/2025  (All Day)
Early Childhood Parent Orientation Mon  08/11/2025  (All Day)
High School Orientation Mon  08/11/2025  (All Day)
Early Childhood/Elementary Back to School Bash Tue  08/12/2025  (All Day)
Middle School Orientation Tue  08/12/2025  (All Day)
High School-First Day of School-Full Day Wed  08/13/2025  (All Day)
Early Childhood-First Day of School-See Teacher Communication Thu  08/14/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  08/15/2025  (All Day)
Elementary-First Day of School-Early Release Thu  08/14/2025  (All Day)
Middle School-First Day of School-Full Day Thu  08/14/2025  (All Day)
Kindergarten-5th Parent Orientation Thu  08/21/2025  (All Day)
7th Grade Retreat Fri  08/22/2025  (All Day)
High School Retreat Tue  08/26/2025  (All Day)  to
Thu  08/28/2025  (All Day)
6th Grade Retreat Thu  08/28/2025  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL-Teacher PLT DAY (Campus Offices Closed) Fri  08/29/2025  (All Day)
No SCHOOL-Labor Day Mon  09/01/2025  (All Day)
8th Grade Retreat Wed  09/03/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  09/05/2025  (All Day)
CVCS Annual Golf Scramble Sat  09/20/2025  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL-Teacher PLT Day (Campus Offices Closed) Fri  09/26/2025  (All Day)
Elementary Campus-No School: Parent /Teacher Conferences Mon  10/06/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  10/10/2025  (All Day)
Grades 6th-7th-No School Wed  10/08/2025  (All Day)
Middle/High School Campus-Early Release: PSAT/SAT Test Wed  10/08/2025  (All Day)
Middle/High School-No School: Parent/Teacher Conferences Thu  10/09/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  10/10/2025  (All Day)
Elementary Campus: No School-End of 1st Trimester Thu  11/06/2025  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Teacher PLT Day (Campus Offices Closed) Fri  11/07/2025  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break Mon  11/24/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  11/28/2025  (All Day)
Middle/High School-Early Release: Finals Tue  12/16/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  12/19/2025  (All Day)
Elementary Campus-Early Release: Begin Christmas Break Thu  12/18/2025  (All Day)
Middle/High School-Last Day of School: Early Release Fri  12/19/2025  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL-Christmas Break (Campus Offices Closed) Mon  12/22/2025  (All Day)  to
Mon  01/05/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Teacher PLT Day (Campus Offices Closed) Mon  01/05/2026  (All Day)
Class Resumes for All Students Tue  01/06/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: MLK Jr. Day (Campus Offices Closed) Mon  01/19/2026  (All Day)
Elementary Capus-No School: End of 2nd Trimester Fri  02/13/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: President's Day (Campus Offices Closed) Mon  02/16/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Teacher PLT Day (Campus Offices Closed) Tue  02/17/2026  (All Day)
Continuous Enrollment & Student Fees 26/27 Due Sun  03/01/2026  (All Day)
High School Senior Project Presentation Fri  03/06/2026  (All Day)
Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences (Per Request) Fri  03/06/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Teacher PLT Day (Campus Offices Closed) Fri  03/06/2026  (All Day)
Elementary Campus-Grandparent's Day-Special Schedule Fri  03/13/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Spring Break Mon  03/16/2026  (All Day)  to
Fri  03/20/2026  (All Day)
Capital Improvement Fee (CIF) 26/27 Due Wed  04/01/2026  (All Day)
NO SCHOOL: Good Friday/Easter Break (Campus Offices Closed) Fri  04/03/2026  (All Day)  to
Mon  04/06/2026  (All Day)
CVCS Annual Gala Sat  04/11/2026  (All Day)
Early Childhood: Last Day of School (See Teacher Communication) Mon  05/18/2026  (All Day)  to
Wed  05/20/2026  (All Day)
Middle/High School-Early Release: Finals Mon  05/18/2026  (All Day)  to
Thu  05/21/2026  (All Day)
5th Grade Graduation Tue  05/19/2026  (All Day)
Early Childhood & Kindergarten Celebrations Tue  05/19/2026  (All Day)
Elementary K-5th: Last Day of School Tue  05/19/2026  (All Day)
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony Thu  05/21/2026  (All Day)
Middle/High School: Last Day Of School Thu  05/21/2026  (All Day)